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Rize Community Church is a ministry answering the clarion call to be a community that embodies the love, grace, and presence of God. In September 2013, several worshipers gathered for planning and prayer and a phenomenal worship occurred. This became our inaugural experience and Rize became a reality. After a season of preparation, Rize engaged in its first community calling and mbongi (learning session). On February 2nd, 2014, we were established through our inaugural worship experience!


Rize Community Church espouses and strives to embody 7 fundamental principles: Humility, Reciprocity, Discipline, Love, Forgiveness, Wisdom, and Spirituality. As an inclusive, intergenerational congregation of African-centered believers from all walks of life, we are committed to radical inclusion and intentionally engage the critical social justice issues impacting the people of the African Diaspora and all people. Espousing a liberative theological foundation, Rize seeks to both stand in the best traditions of the Black church while correcting the ills plaguing the churches in our communities, providing spaces for healing and transformation. Through dynamic worship, sound teaching, community activism and principled living, we strive to model the example of

Yeshua ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) and embody Christ Consciousness.



​​Worship wtih us:

211 Boykin Street

Atlanta, GA 30315

@ 2:30pm

Click for directions


Request Zoom link via DM on social media pages

​​Contact us:

211 Boykin Street

Atlanta, GA 30315

© 2014 RIZE

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